The Morito Shrine (MoritoOmijin) is worshed by Hojo Yoritomo, Miyoshi Ashikagi, as well as Hayama Masayuki, standing by the seaside, there a...more read
Fujisawa Enoshima IWAYA
Satoumi BASE has an exterior design reminiscent of an American port town, with a monument designed to resemble a ship’s rudder that st...more read
Yugawara · Manazuru Maruzuru Satoumi Base
The Hainan Shrine, was established as a general guardian for the Miura Peninsula, which various Gods such as Fujiwara’s God (Sukumitsu) main...more read
Miura Kainan Shrine
The pleasure boat that connects “Chigafaguchi” and “Bentenbashi” at the western end of Enoshima is “Ben Ten Ma...more read
Fujisawa Benten-maru
The Drive-in “Cape Manzuru” is built on the tip of the Manazuru, overlooking the Izu Peninsula, Shonan area, Boso Peninsula and Izu Shichiji...more read
Yugawara · Manazuru Cape Manazuru
Located on the southern most tip of the Miura Peninsula, is the “Small Retail Forest” that stands out as a natural forest preser...more read
Miura Koajiro no Mori (Koajiro Forest )
This Kannon Bodhisattva themed museum is connected with the Kannondo and honors Hasedera Temple. On the first floor there is the original in...more read
Kamakura Kannou Museum
The exhibition focuses on garden plants and cultivates over 5,000 flower/ trees such as peonies, hanashaubs, roses, and more. The garden has...more read
Kamakura Ofuna Flower Center
Next to the Hayama Shioto Park, is the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Modern Art Hayama built in a great location that overlooks the sea. Sc...more read
Zushi · Hayama The musuem of Modern Art, Hayama