A wine shop located 1 minute walk from Zushi Station. In addition to selling wine and other alcoholic beverages, we also manufacture and sel...more read
Zushi · Hayama a day.
In Zushi city, there is a comfort café surrouded by picture books about cat and the Alsace region of France. We are proud of our natural yea...more read
Zushi · Hayama Cafe La Chatte Ronronne
Our handmade pastry shop「Brown Sweets」is a cute little shop located on a footpath thats surrouded by Zushi’s blue sea and green moun...more read
Zushi · Hayama Brown Sweets
At “Meshiyacchan”, we are providing inexpensive donburi (rice bowl dishes) and other menu sets by using plenty of fresh seafood....more read
Zushi · Hayama Meshiyacchan
Our sushi restaurant「Uotomo」makes sushi using the same method for 50 years since it has opened. We deliver fresh taste with the old tradit...more read
Zushi · Hayama Uotomo
“Asile” means a hiding place in French. We want customers to enjoy homemade French foods, local foods with wine in a comfortable...more read
Zushi · Hayama Asile
A Chinese restaurant that is famous for Gyoza and Chashu (braised pork). There are customers who live locally in Zushi and also customer who...more read
Zushi · Hayama Nichimantei
A hidden Italian restaurant located close to both Zushi station and New Zushi station inside a residential area, one step inside from the ma...more read
Zushi · Hayama Trattoria A Tavola
Please enjoy the taste that has cultivated over 80 years of experience and relax in a Japanese-style space. Together with our experienced he...more read
Zushi · Hayama Uokatsu